
Sunday, December 6, 2015

2015 Reflection

These are canvases that I have hung up around my apartment.  Each quote guides me in my personal and professional life.  Do what makes you happy and never give up on your dream.

For Compelled Tribe this week, we are reflecting on 2015.  It is already December, which means the 2015 calendar year is coming to a close as well as the halfway mark for the school year.  Time is really flying by!  A few thoughts on the 2015 calendar year:
  • I took a leap of faith and moved 8 hours away from home to North Carolina.  I am not married and have no children so this is the perfect time for me to experience something new.  I lived in Ohio for over 20 years so this was a big adjustment for me.  I am very close with my family so it was hard at first. However, I am enjoying the experience of living in North Carolina.  I met some great friends and the weather is pretty nice too!  Through this move I learned that I adapt well to new situations and still maintain a positive attitude.  Change is all about how you react to it and I continue to encourage myself to go out of my comfort zone.  I am a lifelong learner.
  • This year I became a big advocate for the growth and fixed mindset.  I read Carol Dweck's book and am now on my school's mindset committee.  I believe this is a huge life skill for my students.  Yes, this can be done with Kindergarten students.  I do not believe they are too young for this concept.  I have read many picture books to help model that it is ok to make mistakes as long as we see the lesson.
  • This school year I really worked on maintaining balance.  I make time for family and friends.  Yes, I still take work home, but I am better at prioritizing.  I am a better teacher when I take care of myself and continue to do things I love outside of the classroom.
Thanks for reading!  How has your 2015 been?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Allie! Moving away by yourself is a huge accomplishment, I'm so glad to hear you're loving NC! My sister lives in Belmont, I think it's by Charlotte...are you close at all?

    Reading more about growth mindset is on my list of books to read, hopefully in the new year!

    Maintaining balance is so important for all areas of our life, glad you're finding it in yours!

    Have a great holiday!
