
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

BOOing Staff Members

For any teacher, fall is incredibly busy with getting to know our students, establishing a routine, building a classroom community, and keeping up with the general demands with the beginning of a new school year.  October is a great time to pay it forward to staff members.

This year one staff member decided to start BOOing teachers in the school.  All it takes is 1 person to start this. The 1st person will BOO 2 staff members, then each person they BOO has to BOO 2 staff members.  This continues until all staff members have been BOOed.  When you get BOOed, be sure to check who has been BOOed to avoid duplicates.

These are the goodies that I received.
-Peanut and Peanut Butter M & Ms
-Wire pumpkin
-Fuzzy socks
-Binder clips
-Post It notes
These are the goodies I gave:
-Decorative socks
-Mini M & Ms
-Pumpkin Spice lollipop
-Halloween pencils
-Owl cookie
*Everything I purchased was from Target
Once you have been BOOed, place the paper on the LEFT on your classroom door so other teachers know you have already been BOOed.  The paper on the right has directions for BOOing other staff members.  When you are BOOed, make 2 copies of each paper to give to the people you BOO.

However you decide to implement this, your staff will love it!  Everyone loves a random gift!

Have a great week!

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