Mentor Monday: Books for Teaching Responsibility

I am linking up with The Reading Tutor/OG for Mentor Monday to share books to teach responsibility in the classroom. It is my priority to teach the whole child.  One of the best ways to illustrate these concepts to young children is through read alouds.  
                     The first book I chose is Arthur's Computer Disaster by Marc Brown.
Summary: Arthur is hooked on a computer game and wants to play every chance he gets.  His mom tells him to not touch the computer while she is at work.  Arthur touches the computer and the screen goes blank.  Through this experience, Arthur learns to take responsibility for his actions.

How to use this in the classroom: This is a great book to use at the beginning of the school to discuss how to properly use technology in the classroom such as iPads, iPods, and laptops.  Other concepts to discuss are following directions and taking responsibility for your actions.
Summary: Lilly receives a purple plastic purse, sunglasses, and 3 quarters.  She wants to share these new items with the class, but her teacher says no.  Lilly becomes upset and writes a mean note to her teacher, which she later regrets.  She realizes it is up to her to make things right.  In the process she learns traits such as patience.

How to use this in the classroom: I love this book because it is useful for text connections, comprehension, character traits, and modeling behavior expectations.  

                          What books do you use to teach responsibility in the classroom?