
Sunday, January 1, 2017


Each member of #CompelledTribe is publishing a post about their one word for 2017.  Before moving on to 2017, I reflected on 2016 for the past week (#oneword2016 was mindset). 2016 was the toughest year for me personally.  For months I felt there was no light at the end of the tunnel.  I had 0 control over what was going on and I am 2 plane rides away from family.  My mindset guided me to find joy in the little things and have faith that the gift of time would make things better -- and it did.  I learned how strong and resilient I am, which makes me even more eager for 2017.

Big takeaways from 2016:
  • In May I started my masters degree in Literacy.  I am officially halfway done!
  • Began my 2nd year living in North Carolina.
  • Traveled to Hilton Head Island, Asheville, North Myrtle Beach, Cabo San Lucas, Savannah, Charleston and home to Ohio.  Can you tell traveling is a hobby of mine?
  • Went to a co-workers wedding.

Moving forward, my #oneword2017 is gratitude.

Gratitude in 2017
  • Complete the remaining coursework for my masters degree. and graduate in December.  Although full time teaching and working on coursework is a lot to balance, I choose to be grateful that I have the opportunity to study a topic I am so passionate about.
  • Being a member of #CompelledTribe-- members take the time to listen to me, stretch my thinking, provide feedback, and are truly positive leaders.  I am lucky to learn from them.
  • Family.  Although being 2 plane rides away from family comes with challenges, I continue to enjoy any time we can spend together.
  • Friends.  2016 was the year my friends showed me how much they were there for me.  I couldn't be more thankful to those that never left my side, checked in on me, and reminded me to stay strong.  In 2017, I will continue to show gratitude to my friends and make more memories.
  • Students.  As I gain years of teaching experience, I love watching my students grow and continue to maintain connection.  I strive to have fun and continue to do what is best for my students.
2017-- let's make it great!


  1. Allie, your passion is so palpable! I love learning from you each week. It looks like you have a lot to be thankful for from 2016 - I bet 2017 is just as blessed. Happy New Year!

  2. Allie, you have a resilient soul beyond your years! We are fortunate to learn from you. Thank you for sharing your positive approach to 2017! Allyson

  3. Great stuff, Allie!

    Excited to continue learning with you!


  4. Allie, gratitude can really change your mindset. You end up looking for the positive in every situation. Over the summer I read a great book by Andy Andrews The Seven Decisions where he talked about the power of showing and having gratitude. I look forward to learning from you this year.
